Dunster Beach Environmental Policy
We love our green open spaces, our lakes, beach, and wooded areas and are conscious that all of our activities and the way we act as a business has an impact on our environment. We are mindful we are custodians of our site and are committed to protecting and enhancing it for future generations. This happens through our day-to-day operation, the development of our site, and our influence in the wider community. Fulfilling this policy will embrace our core business value of creating an environmental, sustainable business within our financial constraints.
The environmental management policy will support our commitments to:
- Establish a policy that is appropriate to the purpose of the organisation and context, including the nature, scale and environmental impact of our activities and our site
- Review our environmental objectives and targets annually
- Protect the environment, including preventing pollution
- Comply with all relevant environmental compliance obligations
- Continually reduce our use of single use plastic
- Provide adequate services for recycling throughout our site
Carbon reduction
We have a responsibility to manage our impact on climate change and are committed to working in ways that minimise carbon emissions and reduce our carbon footprint. We will achieve this by monitoring energy usage and setting carbon emissions targets. In addition, we are committed to building energy efficiency into our designs and investing in appropriate technologies.
The diversity of life on our site is fundamental to the experience we offer our owners and guests. We are committed to protecting the wildlife throughout and enhancing their habitats.
We are committed to reducing, as far as reasonably practicable, our use of natural resources and the volume of waste we produce. We will recycle as much as it is viable to do so. We will make provision for all site users to recycle as much as possible.
We will promote good business practices that minimise our carbon footprint and encourage the sustainability of the site in a green and ethical way wherever possible.
We aim to ensure that owners and guests enjoy their stay in the knowledge that the company is managing its business in harmony with the environment.
We will seek to use our site to educate shareholders and guests in aspects of protecting our environment and how they can play their part.